He had over two thousand of his smartphones between images and videos portraying minors abused or in pornographic attitudes, with numerous victims of an estimated age of less than three years: for this a old resident in Chieti was arrested by the men of the compartments of the postal police and communications of Pescara with the accusation of detention of child pornography.
The agents of the Cyber crime section of Polpost, in execution of a decree of home search for man, have found the material child pornography. The analysis of the telephones allowed the police experts to acquire items that would seem to highlight by the arrested past exchanges, with other users, of photos and videos that portrayed minors involved in explicit sexual activity through some social networks.
In the context of a wider investigation of the district anti-mafia prosecution, the man was in the process of being investigated. The arrest was validated in Chieti and the man was put back in freedom. Child pornography has been seized, while investigations continue. A 46-year-old man had on the smartphone many files of babies, arrested!
«The spread of the internet and the proliferation of computer programs that allow the exchange of files between users connected to each other through special servers, and more recently of social networks-emphasizes the leader of the Polpost, Elisabetta Narciso-has amplified, among others, also the phenomenon of the spreading of child pornography facilitating evidently also the online enjoyment and the same detention».
Narciso also recalls the constitution, at the postal and Communications Police Service of Rome, the National Centre for the contrast of online child pornography (CNCPO), which “has coordination tasks for investigative activities in the context of the contrast to child pornography and connection with foreign investigative bodies and, among other things, it awaits the collection of reports relating to sites that disseminate material relating to the sexual use of children from public and private subjects engaged in the fight against child pornography». SOURCE ”Il Messaggero”